Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christmasy Pillows and Upcoming Sale

My newest designs above! Available in my shop now. Also I will begin my annual Thanksgiving sale November 27th - Dec 2nd. It will be as follows:
♥S♥A♥L♥E♥ Save up to 25% on your Olive Handmade order!
Enter the following coupon code at checkout appropriately:
•If you buy One Item SAVE 10% by entering: ONE2013
•If you buy Two Items SAVE 15% by Entering: TWO2013
•If you buy Three or more Items SAVE 25% by entering THREE2013
*sale excludes Inserts
Hint: The sale starts tomorrow but the codes are activated today! So you can get a head start :)
Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. We are going to start ours by headed to Calvary Chapel Spring Valley - They hold a big event called Blessfest each year. They bus in nearly 2,000 homeless men, women and children and us volunteers just love on them and treat them like family :) as we eat thanksgiving meals with them, help them get medical aid, clothing, showers, even haircuts and manicures! It's an amazing event. Anyone can volunteer. If you live in Las Vegas you can show up at 6AM and volunteer the day of, no pre registration required.

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