Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Christmasy Pillows and Upcoming Sale

My newest designs above! Available in my shop now. Also I will begin my annual Thanksgiving sale November 27th - Dec 2nd. It will be as follows:
♥S♥A♥L♥E♥ Save up to 25% on your Olive Handmade order!
Enter the following coupon code at checkout appropriately:
•If you buy One Item SAVE 10% by entering: ONE2013
•If you buy Two Items SAVE 15% by Entering: TWO2013
•If you buy Three or more Items SAVE 25% by entering THREE2013
*sale excludes Inserts
Hint: The sale starts tomorrow but the codes are activated today! So you can get a head start :)
Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. We are going to start ours by headed to Calvary Chapel Spring Valley - They hold a big event called Blessfest each year. They bus in nearly 2,000 homeless men, women and children and us volunteers just love on them and treat them like family :) as we eat thanksgiving meals with them, help them get medical aid, clothing, showers, even haircuts and manicures! It's an amazing event. Anyone can volunteer. If you live in Las Vegas you can show up at 6AM and volunteer the day of, no pre registration required.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Shop Update

New Pillow covers are listed in the shop! A Cute cabin. A cute house. A really cute Christmas light adorned house. A caroler. A note to say I love you. =)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dumpster Diving for Dolls

I grew up the only girl with two older brothers. This year however, through Big Brothers and Big Sisters, I became a Big Sister :) We have known each other for 3 months and so far things are great. Not without any issues, but none the less, it's been a blessing already for us both. This past weekend, we went ice skating and on the way home she saw a yard sale with a table full of porcelain dolls, which she collects, and asked if we could stop by. So we stopped and met the nicest lady who had like fifteen of these dolls in perfect condition. She was moving and needed to get rid of them and was selling them for $3. My Little Sister had enough for 3 of them. As we and her new but old dolls walked to the car she mentioned how she wanted all of them and the women heard her and .... she gave her ALL of them! Surely these dolls are worth much more than $3 but to end up with fifteen for $9? Well she was one happy camper and my backseat was covered.

All 17 of us drove home. Oh no wait, that would be 18 of us. She found out the women threw one in the dumpster cause the wind blew it over and the hand shattered. So she went to jump into the dumpster :| I tried to tell her it wasn't a good idea, but truthfully, I would have done the same thing at her age. Does the fact I took a pic make me a bad role model? I couldn't resist and I plan to laugh over the photo with her later in life =P I think I got the big sister role down good, wouldn't you agree?